White Chocolate and Passionfruit Madeleines
Makes 12

3 eggs
100g caster sugar
80g plain flour, plus a tiny bit extra to flour tins
80g cooled, melted butter, plus a tiny bit extra to grease tins
80g grapeseed oil
80g hazelnut meal
100g white chocolate (we used Caramilk)
Sea salt
Whisk eggs and sugar together until thick and pale. Fold in flour, hazelnut meal and a pinch of salt. Add melted butter and Azalea Grapeseed Oil and mix until just combined. Cover and freeze the batter for 30 mins.
Brush melted butter into 12 madeleine tin holes. Sprinkle with flour then turn over a sink and tap gently to remove any excess flour.
Divide mixture between tins (the filling should come about 3/4 of the way up the tin) and bake for 12-15 mins in a 180ºC oven until springy in the centre. Turn out madeleines onto a cooling rack and once cool enough to handle, dip into melted white chocolate. Best enjoyed fresh!